

Package Version Description
M bc 1.06 An arbitrary precision calculator
L fftw 3.1.1 Fast Discrete Fourier Transform library
M freetds 0.63 Implementation of Sybase and MSSQL API
M gcal 3.01 Calculate and print calendars
L genesis 2.3 Neural system simulator
L gmt 4.1.2 Generic Mapping Tools for spatial plots
M gnuplot 4.0.0 Interactive plotting program
M grace 5.1.19 Motif-based programmable data plotter
M gwave 20051222 Waveform viewer for analog data
L h4h5tools 1.2 Hierarchical Data Format tools
L hdf 4.2r1 Hierarchical Data Format tools and libraries version 4
L hdf5 1.6.5 Hierarchical Data Format tools and libraries version 5
L io_lib 1.9.2 Trace file reading interface
M lapack 3.0 FORTRAN numerical linear algebra library
M mysql 4.0.14 Clients and libraries for MySQL databases
L netcdf 3.6.1 Unidata network Common Data Form library
L octave 2.0.16 High-level language for numerical computations
L oleo 1.99.16 Light-weight curses-based spreadsheet
M pgplot 5.2.2 Scientific graph generation library
L plotutils 2.5 Plotting utilities for 2D scientific data
M r 2.3.1 System for statistical computation and graphics
M rrdtool 1.2.13 Store and display time-series data
U sc 6.21 Very simple spreadsheet program
M sqlite 2.8.17 SQLite implements a self-contained SQL database engine.
L sqsh 2.1 Interactive Sybase database shell
L tda 6.4l Transition data analysis
L units 1.85 Unit conversion and calculation
M xgobi 200204 Interactive multivariate data visualization
L xlispstat 3.52.20 Lisp dialect with statistical and linear algebra
U xmgr 4.1.2 Motif-based data plotter, replaced by Grace


Package Version Description
H autoconf 2.59 Generate scripts to configure software
M automake 1.9.3 Generate portable Makefiles from template files
H binutils 2.16.1 Manipulate object and executable files
L boost 1.33.1 free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
U bwbasic 2.10 Bywater BASIC interpretor
H cvs 1.12.13 Concurrent version control system
L cvs2cl 2.38 Generate a ChangeLog from CVS log data
L cvsplot 1.7.0 Plot statistics from CVS repositories
M ddd 3.3.11 Graphical front-end to command-line debuggers
L dejagnu 1.4.1 Test suite framework
U eiffel
Eiffel to C or Java bytecode compiler
U f2c
Fortran 77 to C or C++ compiler
U forth 2.1 Forth-83 standard compiler
H gdb 6.3 The GNU debugger
L icmake 6.22 Intelligent C-like MAKEr
L lam 6.1 Message passing parallel programming environment
M libtool 1.5.22 Generic library build and installation tool
H make 3.80 GNU make utility to build software
M pkgconfig 0.20 A library compile/link flag manager
M pvm 3.4.5 Parallel Virtual Machine system
H rcs 5.7 Revision Control System
U sapp
Still another pretty printer
U scm 4 Scheme language interpreter
L sfio
Safe/Fast I/O library
U snobol 4 SNOBOL4 interpreter
M stow 1.3.3 Software package installation manager
H subversion 1.3.1 Version control system
L swig 1.3.29 Simplified wrapper and interface generator
U tcl 7.3 Old version of the Tcl scripting language
L tclX 7.3 Extended Tcl, some extensions to Tcl


Package Version Description
L buildict 1993 ispell dictionary hashing
L dutch96 1997 Dutch ispell dictionary
L espanol 1.7 Spanish ispell dictionary
L francais 1.4 French ispell dictionary
L igerman98 20030222 German ispell dictionary
H ispell 3.3.02 Interactive spelling checker
L ispellit 2001 Italian ispell dictionary
L iswedish 1.2.1 Swedish ispell dictionary
L norsk 20050503 Norwegian ispell dictionary
L portugues 20060426 Portuguese ispell dictionary
L rusispell 0.99g2 Russian ispell dictionary
U spell 1.0 Simple spell checker


Package Version Description
M djbman 200105 Manual pages for DJB's software
H doc
Special link tree for /usr/pubsw/doc
U examples
Assorted programming examples
H info
Special link tree for /usr/pubsw/info
U learn
Tutor for Unix programs
H man
Special link tree for /usr/pubsw/man
L misc
Various listings and other info files
L perlinfo 5.6 Info pages generated from Perl documentation
L tkinfo 2.8 Graphical browser for info files
L tkman 2.2 Graphical man and info browser


Package Version Description
U axe 6.1.2 Simple text editor for X
U bpe 1.5 Examine and modify binary files
M elispmanual 21-2.8 Reference manual for Emacs Lisp
H emacs 22.0.50 Extensible real-time display editor
L jed 0.99-18 An extensible text editor
L joe 3.3 Joe's Own Editor
L jove 4.16 Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs
M lyx 1.4.1 A graphical document processor
U mflteco 1995 Historic line editor
M nedit 5.5 Motif GUI style text editor
M nvi 1.79 Standard vi editor
M openoffice 1.0.2 Office suite for Unix
L smedit 3.0 Software Membership text editor for Motif
L vile 9.5 VI Like Emacs
H vim 7.0 Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
L vitutor 3.0 Interactive tutorial for the vi editor
L xcoral 3.44 Multiwindow editor for X
H xemacs 21.4.19 Extensible text editor with full GUI support


Package Version Description
U arc 5.21o Old compression and archive format
U btoa 4.0 Binary to text encoder and decoder
H bzip2 1.0.3 Very good but slow data compression
M cpio 2.6 cpio archive utility
M file 4.16 Identify the nature of files
H findutils 4.2.27 Finding files
U freeze 2.5 Older commpression utility
H grep 2.5.1a Searche files for specified patterns
H gzip 1.3.3 Standard compression utility
L hfsutils 3.2.6 Macintosh file system utilities for Unix
U hpack 0.79 Older archive and compression utility
U lha 1.14i Older PC compression format
L macutil 2.0b3 Unpack and convert Macintosh files on Unix
L mc 4.6.1 Midnight Commander file manager
M mcvert 2.16 Handles BinHex and MacBinary files
L mtools 3.9.10 Access DOS disks from Unix
U mvstape 1995 Read an IBM MVS tape or tape disk file
L netatalk 2.0.3 AppleTalk services for Unix
M sharutils 4.6.2 Create and extract shell archives
L szip 2.0 Lossless file compression utility
H tar 1.15.1 Manage tape archive files
L unarj 2.63a Uncompress ARJ archives
M unzip 5.52 Extract ZIP files
M uudeview 0.5.20 uuencode, base64, and BinHex encoder/decoder
L xdelta 30d Delta management for arbitrary files
M zip 2.31 Compression and archiving utility for ZIP files
H zlib 1.2.3 gzip-compatible compression library
U zoo 2.10 Older PC compression format


Package Version Description
L fontconfig 2.3.94 Library for font customization and configuration.
M fonts
General collection of fonts
L freetype 1.4pre20030402 Free TrueType font engine
M gsfonts 6.0 Ghostscript fonts
L hbf
Asian font collections
L t1lib 5.1.0 Type 1 rasterizer library
L ttf2pk 20010528 TrueType to PK conversion

Games (unsupported)

Package Version Description
U pysol 4.82.1 Huge collection of solitaire games


Package Version Description
M cairo 1.0.4 A 2D graphics library
L compface 1.5.2 Utilities for handling X-Face headers
M gd 2.0.33 Graphics library for image creation
H ghostscript 8.53 PostScript rendering engine
L giftrans 1.12 Manipulate GIF transparency
L glut 3.7 OpenGL Utility Toolkit
L graphviz 2.8 Graph visualization software
L graphvizcairo 2.8 Graph visualization software Cairo Extensions
H gtk+ 2.8.17 GUI toolkit
M gv 3.6.1 PostScript viewer
L hp2xx 3.4.4 HP-GL format converter
H imagemagick 6.2.6 Tools to display and manipulate images
L imlib 1.9.15 Image loading and rendering library
L jasper 1.701.0 Implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard.
L jbig2dec 0.8 A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format.
L jbigkit 1.6 JBIG manipulation library
H jpeg 6b JPEG image manipulation library
L lcms 1.15 Color management and conversion library
L libart 2.3.17 2D graphics library
H libpng 1.2.8 Portable Network Graphics manipulation library
L libungif 4.1.4 A library for uncompressed GIFs
L libwmf Library for converting WMF files
M mesa 6.4.2 Clone of OpenGL graphics libraries
L mpeg2vidcodec 1.2 MPEG-2 encoder and decoder
L mpeg_lib 1.2 Older MPEG movie decoding library
U mpegencode 1.5b MPEG level 1 video encoder
L mpegplay 2.4 MPEG level 1 video player
M netpbm 10.33 Image conversion toolkit
L picons 2002.01.30 Archive of small face graphics
L pixmap 2.6pl4 Xpm pixmap editor
L pngmeta 1.11 Extract metadata from PNG images
U povray 3.0 Persistence of Vision Raytracer
L pstoedit 3.44 PostScript to vector graphics converter
L skencil 0.6.17 A vector drawing program
L tgif 4.1.44 2D vector drawing program
L tiff 3.8.2 TIFF image manipulation software
M tk 8.4.12 A GUI widget set
M transfig 3.2.5a7 Portable graphics generation
L xanim 2.80.1 Video player for X
L xbae 4.60.2 Spreadsheet layout Widget set for X Windows
L xbmbrowser 5.1b Interactive X bitmap and pixmap browser
M xcircuit 3.4.23 Electrical circuit diagrammer
M xfig 3.2.5a5 X vector drawing program
L xloadimage 4.1 Image viewer
L xpaint Simple X paint program


Package Version Description
H aeakos 1.2 Kerberos v4 administrative interface
H keeptoken 1.3 Maintain an AFS token
H kftgt 1.13 Forward Kerberos v4 tickets to another host
H krb5 MIT Kerberos v5 clients and libraries
H kstart 3.0 More flexible Kerberos kinit
M kthkrb4 1.2.2 KTH Kerberos v4 implementation
H remctl 2.1 Authenticated execution of remote commands
H sident 3.6 S/Ident daemon and request library.
H srvtab 1.6 Download and install srvtabs
H sysctl 1.1.1 Authenticated execution of remote Tcl commands


Package Version Description
U a60 0.22a Algol 60 interpreter
H bison 1.875 GNU parser generator, similar to yacc
L byacc 990830 Berkeley Yacc LALR(1) parser generator
L c_count 7.11 C-language line counter
L cfortran 4.3 Linkage between C and Fortran
U cim 3.37 Simula to C compiler
M expect 5.43.0 Programmed dialog with interactive programs
H flex 2.5.4a Fast lexical analyzer generator
L ftnchek 3.3.1 Fortran 77 program checker
H gawk 3.1.3 Pattern scanning and processing language
H gcc 4.0.3 GNU Compiler Collection
L gcl 2.6.7 GNU Common Lisp interpreter/compiler
L guile 1.6.7 GNU Scheme interpreter
L guilegtk 0.41 GTK Bindings for GNU Scheme
L indent 2.2.9 Indent and reformat C source code
H jdk 6 Java Development Kit
H m4 1.4.4 GNU m4 macro processor
L ocaml 3.09.2 The Caml dialect of ML
H perl 5.8.8 Practical Extraction and Report Language
H php 5.1.2 Scripting language targetted at web development
M python 2.4.3 Interpreted, interactive, OO language
M re2c 0.10.1 re2c is a tool for writing very fast and very flexible scanners.
L ruby 1.8.4 Object-oriented scripting language
M smlnj 110.0.7 Standard ML of New Jersey compiler
L spectcl 1.1 Tcl GUI builder
M tcl 8.4.12 An embeddable scripting language
L tclx 8.4 Extended Tcl extensions to Tcl
U ucblogo 5.5 Berkeley Logo implementation
L vtcl 1.5.2 Tcl/Tk development environment
L xf 4.3 Interface builder for Tcl/Tk


Package Version Description
L atk 1.11.4 ATK is an accessibility toolkit API
H db1 1.85 Embedded database and hash file library
H db2 2.7.7 Embedded database and hash file library
H db3 3.3.11 Embedded database and hash file library
H db4 4.2.52 Embedded database and hash file library
M gdbm 1.8.3 GNU dbm- and ndbm-compatible database library
L gettext 0.14.5 Utilities for localizing software
H glib 2.10.2 General C support library
L gmp 4.2.1 Arbitrary precision arithmetic library
L libcfg+ 0.6.2 Libcfg+ is a command line and configuration file parsing library
L libgcrypt 1.2.2 Libgcrypt is a general purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG
L libgpgerror 1.3 Libgpg-error is helper library that provides a common set of error codes and descriptions.
L libtasn1 0.2.18 Libtasn1 is a library developed for ASN.1 structures management.
M mm 1.4.0 Portable Shared Memory API Library
L mpfr 2.2.0 Multiple-precision floating-point computations library
H ncurses 5.4 SVr4-compatible curses library
M readline 5.1 Library for input with editing and history
L sdl 1.2.10 Simple DirectMedia Layer
M slang 1.4.9 Embedded C-like programming language


Package Version Description
M ar 4.5.1 Native client for Remedy Action Request System
M icaclient 7.0 Citrix ICA client
M mweb 1.0 The Merriam-Webster dictionary and thesaurus
L npsol
Solver for constrained optimization problems
H oracle 8.1.7 Oracle clients and client libraries
H rational 2003.06.13 Debugging, profiling, and coverage tools
L sybase 11.1.1r Sybase clients and client libraries
L tsp
Econometric model estimation and simulation
U uasm
Legato Networker Unix ASM stream utility
L zmodem 3.54 YMODEM/ZMODEM file transfer protocol


Package Version Description
H config
Stanford local configuration files
H fetchmail 0.3.0 Download e-mail via Kerberos POP
H fixperms
Security fixes for default file permissions
H lbcd 3.3.0 Remotely pollable system load monitor
H local
Wide variety of uncategorized local software
U mpr 1.1 Print to a local attached printer
M networking
Local software maintained by Stanford Networking
H newsyslog 1.8 Log rotation and archiving
M passwd_change
Allow consulants to change user passwords
H scripts
Stanford local scripts
U sl 1.1 Read standard label tapes
M sweetfinger
System status responder for sweetfinger
M systems
Local software maintained by Computing Systems
H tracker 1.0 Track software usage
M web
Web page generation tools


Package Version Description
L elm 2.5.6 Older curses-based mail system
M exmh 2.7.2 Graphical mail reader built on MH
L filter 2.3.1 Simple mail filtering program
L mail 7.2 Command-line BSD mail program
M metamail 2.7 MIME handling for Unix mail clients
M movemail
Mail download and copying program
L mpack 1.5 Base64 encoder and decoder
H mutt Small but powerful text-based mail client
M nmh 1.2 Email Handling System
H pine 4.4.4 Pine - a Program for Internet News and Email
L premail 0.45 Privacy and cryptography wrapper for mail
H procmail 3.22 Mail filter and processor
L ssmtp 2.61 A null mail transport agent


Package Version Description
L gtimer 1.1.6 Track time spent on tasks
U legacy
Files saved from old versions of packages


Package Version Description
M bind 4.9.5 DNS utilities distributed with BIND
H djbdns 1.05 Authoritative and caching DNS servers
M fping 2.4b2 Fast ping program
M gaim 1.5.0 Multi-protocol instant messaging client
L hesiod 3.0.2 Hesiod DNS library and tools
M host 991529 Nameserver query tool
L irc 3.0 Enhanced IRC client
L kermit 192 Serial and network communication & file transfer
L libpcap 0.9.4 User-level packet capture
L mtr 0.71 Visual traceroute
H ncftp 3.1.9 Enhanced ftp client
L netcat 0.7.1 Read and write TCP and UDP data
L ntalk
Talk server daemon
H ntp 4.2.0a Time synchronization daemon
H openldap 2.3.13 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
M ping 991020 Check status of remote hosts
L rdist 6.1.5 Maintain identical copies of files across hosts
H rsync 2.6.0 Fast incremental file transfer
M tcpdump 3.9.4 Network packet dump
L tf 50b7 Programmable MUD/MUSH/talker client
M traceroute 991603 Find network path to a destination
H ucspi-tcp 0.88 TCP/IP client-server tools
H wget 1.10.2 HTTP and FTP mirroring tool
L ytalk 3.3.0 Multi-user talk program
H zephyr 2.2s Project Athena Zephyr Notification System


Package Version Description
H inews 2.0.1 Post news articles via NNTP
L knews 1.0b.1 Graphical threaded newsreader with MIME support
L nn 6.7.2 Older threaded scoring newsreader
H slrn Powerful threaded newsreader
M tin 1.8.2 Easy to use threaded Usenet news reader
M trn 3.6p18 Threaded rn-based newsreader
M trn4 4.0t76 Threaded rn-based newsreader Version 4
L xrn 9.02 Older X-based Usenet news reader


Package Version Description
M cyrussasl 2.1.21 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
M gnupg 1.2.2 OpenPGP encryption and signing
L gnutls 1.2.10 Implements the proposed standards by the IETF's TLS working group
M ifstatus 4.0 Detect promiscuous network
L opencdk 0.5.8 opencdk is a GNU cryptographic library
H openssh 4.5p1 OpenBSD OpenSSH client and server
H openssl 0.9.8a Cryptography library for SSL and TLS
U opie 2.4 One-Time Passwords In Everything
L pgp 2.6.3i Public-key signing and encryption
L pgpgpg 0.13 PGP-compatible GnuPG wrapper
H rpcbind 2.1 Secure RPC registration daemon
L rsaref 2.0.1996.03 Public- and private-key encryption library
M stunnel 4.15 SSL encryption wrapper
H tcpwrappers 7.6 Security wrapper for daemons


Package Version Description
M bash 3.1 sh-compatible shell with many extensions
L sash 3.4 Safe, statically-linked shell
M screen 4.0.2 Curses-based shell multiplexer
L splitvt 1.6.5 Split terminal screen
H tcsh 6.14.00 Enhanced C shell
M zsh 4.3.2 Extremely powerful interactive shell


Package Version Description
H siteemacs
Locally installed Emacs packages
H siteperl 5.8.8 Locally installed Perl modules and add-ons
L sitepython 2.4 Locally installed Python modules and add-ons
H sitexemacs
Locally installed XEmacs packages
M texmflocal
Locally installed TeX packages


Package Version Description
L flac 1.1.2 Free Lossless Audio Codec
L gsm 1.0.11 Lossy sound compression
L libao 0.8.6 Cross-platform audio library
L libid3tag 0.15.1b MPEG audio library
L libmad 0.15.1b MPEG audio library
L libogg 1.1.3 Ogg bitstream format implementation
L libvorbis 1.1.2 Vorbis encoding library
L mpg321 0.2.10 MPEG audio player
M realplayer 8.0 Real Audio and Video Player
L sox 12.18.1 The Swiss army knife of sound processing
L speex 1.0.5 Free Codec For Free Speech
L vorbistools 1.1.1 Ogg Vorbis command-line tools


Package Version Description
M allegro 8.0 Franz Allegro Common Lisp with CLIM
M ansys 11.0 Multipurpose design analysis
L axiom 2.2 Computer algebra system
H dbmscopy 8.0 Transfers and converts native data files
L eqs 6.1 Structural equations modeling
H forte 8 Sun Forte development tools
M gams 2.50 High-level modeling system for math programming
M gauss 6.0 Matrix-based data analysis
M gaussian 03 Molecular orbital calculations programs
L genstat 5.4.1 General statistical system
L glim 4.0 Generalised Linear Interactive Modeling
M gqopt 7.1 Numerical optimization package
M hlm 6.02 Hierarchical modeling software
M ilog 10.1 Linear programming and algebraic modeling
M imsl 6.0 IMSL Computational Technology Toolkit
M jmsl 1.0 IMSL for Java Programmers
U limdep 7.0 Regression model analysis
M liquid 5.0 Liquid Common Lisp with CLIM
M maple 10 Analytical computation and interactive algebra
H math 5.2 Technical computation and visualization
H matlab 7.4 Computation and visualization environment
U minitab 9.1 Statistical Analysis Package
M minos 5.5 Large-scale optimization solver
M nagcl 7 NAG C Library
M nagfl 20 NAG Fortran 77 Library
M nagfn 4 NAG Fortran 90 Library
M nagfs 2 NAG Fortran SMP Library
M nagnp 5.0 NAG Fortran 95 Compiler
M nr 2.10 Scientific computing libraries from the book
L rats 5.01 Regression Analysis of Time Series
H sas 9.1 Data analysis, management, and presentation
M sicstus 3.12.2 A Prolog development system
M splus 7.0 Data analysis, mining, and statistical modeling
M spss 6.1.4 Statistical analysis and data management
M statase 9.0 Statistics Analysis Package
M stattransfer 8.0 Statistical data transfer and conversion
H sunstudio 10 Sun Studio (Forte) development tools


Package Version Description
H coreutils 5.93 Basic system utilities
H daemontools 0.76 Unix daemon management tools
M lsof 4.77 LiSt Open Files
M mcsysinfo Hardware and OS information probe
L scsiinfo 4.7 List SCSI devices attached to system
L scsiping 2.0 Query SCSI disks and return information
M sysinfo 4.0.2 Hardware and OS information probe
M tmpreaper 1.6.6 Purge old files from temporary directories
H top 3.6 Interactive process viewer
M uniread 1.00 Command line editing for anything
U vttest 20000208 Test terminal compatibility


Package Version Description
H acroread 5.0.5 Adobe Acrobat PDF reader
L canna 3.7p3 Chinese/Japanese text input system
L cnprint 3.30b Print or convert CJK text to PostScript
L detex 2.7 A filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file
L diffstat 1.41 Utility to make a histogram from diff output
H diffutils 2.8.1 Display line-by-line differences in text files
L doxygen 1.4.6 Source code and API documentation system
L dvi2tty 5.3.1 Convert DVI to ASCII text
H enscript 1.6.1 Convert ASCII to PostScript
M expat 1.95.8 XML parsing library
L fop 0.20.4 XSL-driven print formatter
U gf 0.46 SGML parser and converter
L glimpse 3.6 Indexing and query system
H groff 1.19.2 *roff-compatible document processor
L html2ps 1.0b3 HTML to PostScript converter
L hyperlatex 2.6 Produce HTML pages from custom LaTeX files
L idutils 4.1 Build and search databases of tokens in files
L kakasi 2.3.4 Kanji to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji
M latex2html 2002-2-1 LaTeX to HTML converter
H less 394 File pager similar to "more"
L libiconv 1.10 Character set encoding transformations
U libxml 1.8.11 XML parsing library
L libxml2 2.6.23 XML parsing library
L libxslt 1.1.15 XSLT C library
L linkgrammar 4.1b Syntactic link grammar parser of English
U mpp 0.45 Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
M opensp 1.5.2 SGML parser utility.
L pango 1.12.1 A library for laying out and rendering of text
L par 1.52 Paragraph reformatter
H patch 2.5.4 Apply a diff file to an original
L pdflib 6.0.3 Library for creation of PDF documents
L psutils 17 PostScript manipulation utilities
L recode 3.6 Character set converter
L rman 3.2 Man page format translator
H sed 4.0.7 Commandline stream editor
H tetex 3.0 The TeX typesetting system
H texinfo 4.5 Software documentation system
L xml2rfc 1.12 Generate RFCs from XML input
L xmlpp 1.32 XML pretty printer and diff utility
L xpdf 3.01p12 PDF viewer
L yodl 1.31.18 Document formatting language


Package Version Description
M analog 6.0 WWW log file analysis
H curl 7.11.1 Tool and library for requesting files by URLs
L cxx2html 1.2.5 C++ to HTML converter
U excite 1.1 Web site indexing software.
H firefox The Firefox web browser
M htdig 3.1.6 Web search engine
H httpd 2.0.58 Support utilities from Apache
L hypermail 2.1.8 Utility to convert email mailboxes to HTML
L links 1.00pre12 Text-mode browser with table support
H lynx 2.8.5 Text-mode web browser
L mhonarc 2.5.2 Convert e-mail to HTML
H mozilla 1.7.13 The Mozilla web browser
L sgml
Standard Generalized Markup Language
L siege 2.64 Web regression test and benchmark utility
M tidy 20051026 HTML reformatter and lint checker
L txt2html 1.28 Utility to convert text files to HTML files
M w3clibwww 5.4.0 W3C Protocol Library


Package Version Description
L ad2c 1.7 Converts X resource files into C declarations
M appres 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M bdftopcf 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M bigreqsproto 1.0.2 xlibs core library
M bitmap 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L dclock 20050101 Digital format clock
M editres 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M encodings 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M fontcacheproto 0.1.2 xlibs core library
M fontsproto 2.0.2 xlibs core library
M fontutil 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M fslsfonts 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M fstobdf 1.0.1 xlibs core library
H fvwm 2.5.16 Highly customizeable X window manger
M gccmakedep 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M iceauth 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M imake 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M inputproto 1.3.2 xlibs core library
M kbproto 1.0.2 xlibs core library
M lbxproxy 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L lesstif 0.94.4 Open source implementation of OSF/Motif
M libfontenc 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M libFS 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libICE 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M liblbxutil 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libSM 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libX11 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXau 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXaw 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M libXdmcp 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXext 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXfont 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXfontcache 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M libXft xlibs core library
M libXi 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXinerama 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M libxkbfile 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M libXmu 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXp 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXpm xlibs core library
M libXrender xlibs core library
M libXt 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M libXtst 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L listres 20060530 Lists X widget's resources database
M lndir 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M makedepend 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M mkfontdir 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M mkfontscale 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M oclock 1.0.1 xlibs core library
H pixmaps
Standard pixmaps from the X distribution
M printproto 1.0.3 xlibs core library
M proxymngr 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M recordproto 1.13.2 xlibs core library
M renderproto 0.9.2 xlibs core library
M rgb 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M rstart 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M scripts 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L showfont 20060530 Font dumper for the X font server
M smproxy 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M tightvnc 1.3.8 Remote X-compatible display system
M tvtwm 11 Tom's Virtual Tab Window Manager for X
M twm 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L viewres 20060601 Graphical class browser for X widget set
M x11perf 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xauth 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M Xaw3d 1.5E A 3D Widget set for X
M xbiff 20060601 Mailbox flag utility for X Windows
M xbitmaps 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L xcalc 20060601 Scientific calculator for X
L xcalendar 4.0.0 X-based calendar for adding notes to dates
M xclipboard 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xclock 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xcmiscproto 1.1.2 xlibs core library
M xcmsdb 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L xco 1.2 Display colors and their color names
U xcolorize
Start X programs with random background colors
U xcolors 1.5a Display colors and their color names
M xconsole 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xdpyinfo 1.0.1 xlibs core library
U xedit 20060602 Simple text editor for X
U xev 20060602 X Windows utility to display X server events
L xexit 2.0 Terminate all X session clients and exit
M xextproto 7.0.2 xlibs core library
M xfd 1.0.1 xlibs core library
U xfed 20030311 Bit-by-bit font editor for BDF font files
M xfindproxy 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xfonts R7 xlibs core library
L xfontsel 20060602 X point-and-click font selector
L xforms 1.0.90 A graphical user interface toolkit for X
M xfs 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xfsinfo 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xfwp 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L Xg 1.0 X widget set providing MS Windows-like controls
U xgc 1.0.1 X Windows graphics elements demo
M xhost 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M xineramaproto 1.1.2 xlibs core library
M xinit 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkbcomp 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkbdata 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkbevd 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkbprint 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkbutils 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xkill 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xload 20060602 Display system load averages
M xlockmore 4.16.1 X screen locking utility
M xlogo 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xlsatoms 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xlsclients 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xlsfonts 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xmag 1.0.1 xlibs core library
U xman 1.0.1 X interface to manual pages
M xmodmap 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M xorgcffiles 1.0.1 xlibs core library
L xpr 20060602 Print an X Window System dump
M xprop 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xproto 7.0.4 xlibs core library
M xproxymanagementprotocol 1.0.2 xlibs core library
M xrdb 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xrefresh 1.0.1 xlibs core library
U xrsh 5.92 Start a program on a remote X machine
M xrunclient 19951020 Launch an X client from a shell script
M xset 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xsetroot 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xsm 1.0.1 xlibs core library
M xstdcmap 1.0.1 xlibs core library
H xterm 213 Terminal emulation window
M xtrans 1.0.0 xlibs core library
M xwd 1.0.1 xlibs core library
